Livre Pour Enfants


How can a children’s book be successful regardless of language?


Students will draft, design, and create their own children’s picture book in French. During the process, students will learn what makes a successful children’s book, and how they can successfully design their own book using their knowledge of the French language. They will also use a variety of tools and strategies in order to create their own book. In the end, students will create their own book which they will read to a local French Immersion elementary class. The completed books will also be placed in the library for future students to read.


This project gives students the opportunity to serve others by reading their completed works to a younger group of students that is not within their own school community. Through placing their completed works inside the library, it also gives students the opportunity to serve future students after they move on from the middle school. This project integrates my personal worldview, as I believe that language learning is more than drilling and memorization, it is about interacting and working with language and seeing how languages can be used to tell stories.

Middle (6-8)
Fine Arts, French, Language Arts