
DRIVING QUESTION: How do our experiences of loneliness, temptation, or self-deception, affect how we see ourselves in society today? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This persona project, will allow students to creatively reflect on the major themes of identity, social currency, and personal expression in relation to geography, culture, and society....

DRIVING QUESTION: Is the way I use my phone more a window or a mirror? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students will research and investigate the impact of their own phone usage in their personal lives (mirror) and how changing their paradigm will make it more of a tool (window). They...

DRIVING QUESTION: How do we use unit conversion and stoichiometry in the kitchen? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We will start by cooking in the Food Lab. We will look at a recipe and convert the recipe into different ‘formulas’ of ‘mass’ ‘amount’. We will scale the recipe to feed the...

Driving Question: How do you go through a mountain without offending anyone? Project Description: The class will be divided into groups and given a section of Canada that features the Canadian Pacific Railway. We will start with a visit to a railway museum. Each group member will choose...