Chemistry Cookbook

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How do we use unit conversion and stoichiometry in the kitchen?

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We will start by cooking in the Food Lab.  We will look at a recipe and convert the recipe into different ‘formulas’ of ‘mass’ ‘amount’.  We will scale the recipe to feed the whole class. The students will then choose a family favourite recipe. They will cook it at home for dinner and present the recipe and photo journal to the class. They will then pretend they are cooking for one and rewrite the recipe for only one serving, then the entire school and rewrite for 500 servings.  They will then determine how many servings they can make with 1kg of every ingredient, which ingredient will run out first and how much of each is left. The recipes will be compiled into a digital cookbook designed for two portion meals so students have a library of recipes to be used when they move out.

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This unit provides authenticity in science education and is preparation for the BCED Numeracy Assessment and will focus on the core competencies of communication, critical thinking and positive personal and cultural self-image.


Secondary (9-12)