
DRIVING QUESTION: How can we use art to share pieces of our story? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students will have a chance to look at how artists share elements of their story through research and examination of art work. They will compile their learning into a slide show to present...

DRIVING QUESTION: How does God bring beauty to the world? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students will explore how God loves them and how they are special in God’s eyes. Throughout the first part of the year, children will experiment with different art mediums while studying the Creation story and God’s...

DRIVING QUESTION: How can you feel the message with music? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students create a song (or songs) to reflect the feelings and mood of the Bible story or verse. The students then create a video in groups using drawn art, a picture book, Procreate App picture, a...

DRIVING QUESTION: How can I use art to show others who I am? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students will explore ways in which God reveals his invisible qualities through his creation and makes himself known (Romans 1:20). They will explore works by various artists, including masters and secondary art students,...

DRIVING QUESTION: What forms our perception of self and others? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Through mask making, reader’s theatre, reflective journalling and performance, students will discover truth about themselves and others. They will track their growth along the way as they create and question, all the while recognizing God’s love...

DRIVING QUESTION: How can we learn to be a better friend using stories from our past? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Students will take on the character of an early explorer. They will need to trace out their route and show where they settled. They will then use this information to...

DRIVING QUESTION: What would an ideal civilization look like if everything was done with the idea of honouring God? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Given a specific world biome, students will design an ancient civilization that would honour God. They will create a display which will include: map of location, map...

DRIVING QUESTION: What is our responsibility in pursuing peace? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This unit is a critical cross-curricular evaluation of the sources and consequences of conflict. In addition to the driving question, there are a series of guiding questions to lay out the narrative of the unit: Is conflict...

DRIVING QUESTION: How do our experiences of loneliness, temptation, or self-deception, affect how we see ourselves in society today? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This persona project, will allow students to creatively reflect on the major themes of identity, social currency, and personal expression in relation to geography, culture, and society....

DRIVING QUESTION: How can indigenous values inspire us to take care of our world? PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The focus of this project is to investigate the values that indigenous cultures (specifically those in Canada) have regarding nature and the care of nature and to see parallels in our own...